Demonstrate your expertise with the Vue.js framework to potential employers and clients with the Vue.js certification. But don’t go in blind, use this guide to prep for the big exam!
Exam Levels
To provide the most accurate information on your skill level, we’ve broken up the certification into 2 different levels, each with it’s own exam.
- Level 1 - Certified Vue.js Developer
Passing level one means you are a comfortable with the essential Vue.js concepts and syntaxes. You are effective with built in directives, reactivity API’s, component API’s, and can build functional applications.
Effectively, you’d pass as a great hire for an entry level Vue.js dev position.
- Level 2 - Certified Senior Vue.js Developer
Passing level two means you’re familiar with more advanced concepts and strategies, have a better grasp of the Vue.js ecosystem at large, best practices, and know the tools to build enterprise ready Vue.js applications.
Those who pass level 2 would be great senior level hires.
👉 This guide focuses on prepping you for the level 1 exam.
Level 1 Exam specs
Once you hit the start button for each exam, this is what you can expect.
- 105 minute exam duration
- 30 multiple choice questions
- 60 minutes of coding challenge
What you should know for the Level 1 Exam
Here you’ll find a list of topics covered by the level 1 exam, along with additional resources for deepening your understanding of each one.
- Creating a Vue Application
- Reactivity Fundamentals
- Template Syntax
- Event Handling
- Form Input Binding
- Watchers
- LifeCycle Hooks